Where's Magreat?
by Jordan Dooling
A blogger disappears for several months in 2016, leaving an inexplicable Zahir behind to be discovered. The god of the future dies, murdered by a mortal. The god of the past is born, mortal murderer. Sailor hunts Aleph.
Multiple blogs collide to create a canon. This is my third plentiblog project, my sixth major blog project, my third symphony, and the seventh instalment in the Christoph Magreat metanarrative. I hope for it to be a demonstration, exhibit, and riveting tale.
Ongoing blogs in the project:
Dreaming While You Sleep (Ishmael and Bellman)
"shoots thon rising germinal"
"permanently locked outside"
Awoken by Shouts
"thereby, he said, reflecting from his own individual person life unlivable"
What is Meant, What is Said
"permanently locked outside"
Awoken by Shouts
"thereby, he said, reflecting from his own individual person life unlivable"
What is Meant, What is Said